5 March 2022 BBC Philharmonic at The Bridgewater Hall

BBC Philharmonic | 5 March

Omer Meir Wellber conductor | Stephen Hough piano | Eli Danker narrator

Saturday 05 March 2022 7.30pm

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Event Timings
Auditorium Doors: 7.00pm
Concert begins: 7.30pm
Interval: 8.05pm
Second half: 8.25pm
Approximate finish: 9.30pm

Timings will be updated closer to the concert date. Please check the website on the afternoon of the performance for up-to-date information. All timings are approximate and are subject to change.​

Digital Programme Notes and Phone Use
2022 BBC Philharmonic concerts in the 2021/22 season open up the opportunity for all Bridgewater Hall audiences to access free programme notes via smartphones. You can choose to access information about the performance in two ways:
Programme Notes: Programme notes similar to a traditional printed programme, with summary information about the music and the composers
BBC Notes: Detailed programme notes, timed with the music, giving you insights into what you are hearing and seeing on stage as it happens
Use the QR code printed on your ticket to access either. Both options are completely free with your concert ticket but please be aware that mobile phone use is unrestricted and applies to all seating areas within the Bridgewater Hall.

BBC Philharmonic | 5 March

This event has passed

Omer Meir Wellber conductor | Stephen Hough piano | Eli Danker narrator

Piano Concerto No.3 in C minor
Milch-Sheriff The Eternal Stranger (UK premiere, BBC co-commission)
Beethoven Symphony No.3 in E flat major, ‘Eroica’ – Funeral march
Beethoven Overture ‘Leonore’ No.3

Stephen Hough’s recorded Beethoven cycle received universal acclaim on its 2020 release – and we’re thrilled to welcome back the pianist, composer, author and BBC Philharmonic Artist in Residence to perform the stormiest of his five Piano Concertos. The work opens a Beethoven-themed concert that continues with a new BBC co-commission by Israeli composer Ella Milch-Sheriff, the UK premiere of a monodrama inspired by a mysterious dream of migration that Beethoven experienced during a journey to Vienna, and also takes in the brooding funeral march from the ‘Eroica’ symphony and the darkness-into-light journey of the third overture Beethoven wrote for his only opera.

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